About Brabant Herinnert
Brabant Herinnert is an initiative aimed at keeping alive the memories of World War II in Brabant. We want to preserve and pass on to future generations the stories and experiences of those who lived through the war. Through educational programs, exhibitions and events, we aim to keep the history of Brabant during the war alive and promote understanding and respect.
Stichting Crossroads Brabant ’40-’45 initiated Brabant Herinnert with financial support from the province of North Brabant. Brabant Herinnert (formerly Brabant Remembers) is a partner of Europe Remembers and was a connective program during the celebration of 75 years of freedom. The program provided a unique opportunity to explore and understand the history of Brabant during World War II.

Brabant Herinnert is an initiative of the Crossroads Brabant ’40-’45 Foundation and is made possible by the province of North Brabant. Brabant Herinnert is a partner of Europe Remembers. Click on to learn more about Brabant Remembers’ partners.
Do you have a question? Email us at info@brabantherinnert.nl and we will get back to you as soon as possible. If the question cannot be answered via email then you can reach us at 013-3030390.
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Tamara Ernst
Communications and PR
M. info@brabantherinnert.nl
T. +31 6 24 36 09 29.
Travel & Trade
Questions about Travel & Trade? Then email trade@brabantremembers.com or view the Travel & Trade page here.